Selasa, 07 Februari 2012


Revolution period, double jet airplane took off, repeatedly roared, to embroidered to drop bombs to a residence village. Situation of the village changed be quiet. In a disorderly village, Mr. Bakti was fighter of The Independence of Indonesia, although he wounded but Mr. Bakti was still safe.
Mr. Bakti       : “ For this, I fight. For The Independence of Indonesia and the next children of Indonesia will be the inheritor of this country. I will fight and fight, until my blood is finish.”

Ext: On the way
Actor (Children of road, Loka, Wulan, Cemong, Remong)
Few Years later, Mr. Bakti built a house for children of road who lost their parents.
One day, as usual the children of road are doing their activity like give a street performance, sell newspapers, etc.!
Cemong        : “Newpapers, Mr !!! Newspapers !!!”
Eventhough, Wulan is giving a street performance in the red lamp with her limp clothes for finance her family. Suddenly, Loka come to Wulan.
Loka             : ” Heh poor people… Where is your money? Remember, you are  eating by me. So, Where is your money?”
Wulan                    : ”But.. this time I just get one thousand rupiah.”
Loka             : ”Lie !!!! Cemong, check her pocket.”
Cemong        : “Oke boss !!”
Wulan          : “Don’t do it, it’s for my sisters”
Loka             : “I don’t care with your sister.”
(Wulan take that money and she leave Loka)
Loka             : ” Eh poor people.. fail !!!”
Cemong        : “I should chase her, boss !”
Loka             : “No…we should’nt. We better think the way how to destroy its house”
Cemong        : “Oke, boss. But how?”
(Loka whisper to Cemong. Then, they leave the road)

Int: House
Actor (Mr. Bakti, Sisi, Bintang, Lala and Miss Novi)
Novi is university student, she care with children in that house. One morning, the children are making souvenir from papers. That souvenir will be sold. Suddenly, Miss Novi come to the children.
Miss Novi     : “How? Can you make it?”
All                : “Yes…”
Mr. Bakti       : “After finish, You should pray, okey.. !!”
All                : “Oke, Grandpa !!”
Miss Novi     : “Alhamdulillah, it’s adzan dzuhur. Come on, we pray !!”
(all leave the room)
Ext : In backyard of house
Actor (Mr. Bakti, Wulan, Xixi, and all)
(Suddenly, Wulan is sad and run to back yard then she stare. And Mr. Bakti see that Wulan is crying, then Mr. Bakti approach her)
Mr. Bakti       : “Wulan… Why do you cry?”
(Wulan stop speaking ang startled)
Mr. Bakti       : “Tell me, Wulan. May be, I can help you?”
Wulan          : “I’m confuse and hopeless. My parents had passed away because of me. I’m not useful.”
Mr. Bakti       : “Stop it. Don’t cry again. You must pray for them. Crying won’t return your parents.”
(Suddenly, Sisi come to Wulan and Mr. Bakti, then Sisi bring Wulan to sign in)
Sisi               : “Let’s go, we sign in !!! Don’t cry. Formerly, the children same with you.”
(Suddenly, Wulan see Kubay, Bintang, and Lala are playing)
Wulan                    : “Who are they?”
Sisi               : “Nindy wear the red T-Shirt, you can call her Kubay because she is slim and lebay. Bintang wear the orange T-Shirt. And Lala wear the black T-Shirt, her mother has passed away when Tsunami. Formerly, Bintang is thief. but now, she is good people.”
Wulan                    : “Oooh..”
(Then Wulan leave Sisi)
Int : House
Actor (Sisi, Bintang, Kubay and Lala)
(Lala approach to Sisi, she is reading comic very happy)
Lala              : “Who is she?”
Sisi               : “Who?”
Lala              : “The girl…”
Sisi               : “Oh.. Why do you ask that?”
Lala              : “She is beautiful.”
(Kubay come to Sisi and Lala)
Kubay                     : “Who is she? She is ugly girl like dirty clothes.”
Lala              : “You said that she is ugly girl? She is beautiful, You are ugly girl.”
Kubay                     : “What do you say?”
Lala              : “You are ugly girl.” (speak loud)
Kubay                     : “You !!! I’m pretty like Julia Perez. Are you blind?”
(Bintang approach them)
Bintang         : “What are you doing?”
Kubay                     : “Lala is blind… I’m pretty like Jupe but she said I’m  like Omas..”
Bintang         : “I’m aggre with Lala. You are over. I’m the most pretty, lucky girl and I’m not arrogant.”
(Then, they quarrel)
Sisi               : “STOPP IT !!! It’s not important, I’m the most pretty. Neither both of you (point to Kubay and Bintang). Stop, her name is Wulan.”
All                : “Oh… Wulan.”

Int      : House
Actor (Miss Novi and all)
Miss Novi     : ”Hello… Who is she? Why don’t you invite her?”
Kubay           : “Sorry, I’m lazy.”
Miss Novi     : “Eh, don’t do it. She is our friends. Oke, now we will be alert for ceremony.”
Miss Novi go to the kitchen for prepare lunch. Suddenly, Wulan come up then she take Miss Novi’s wallet. Bintang see that action and Wulan threaten to Bintang.
When, the  childrens are prepare for the ceremony, Miss Novi come with her panic face.
Miss Novi     : “Do you see my wallet? My wallet disappeared.”
Lala              : “What? Please, try to remember it, may be you forgot.”
Kubay           : “Or may be, your wallet was left behind your house.”
Miss Novi     : “But, when i bought vegetable, my wallet still with me. Oh I know, I went to kitchen for prepared lunch.”
Mr. Bakti       : “What’s wrong?.”
Kubay           : “Her wallet disappeared.”
Mr. Bakti       : “Try to find it.”
Kubay           : “Oke, grandpa.”
(It isn’t long, then Kubay come with her breath’s gasping)
Bintang         : “How?”
Kubay           : “I don’t know.”
Bintang         : “Who do people take it?”
Sisi               : “Heuuum… Kubaaaay…”
Kubay           : “No, I’m crazy if I took her wallet.”
Lala              : “You realize that if you are crazy.”
(When the children accuse each other. Suddenly, Bintang come with her face’s afraid).
Mr. Bakti       : “Stop it, don’t accuse each other. Hhheem Where is Wulan? I don’t see her.”
Sisi               : “Oh ya. Where is she?”
Lala              : “May be she is jogging.”
(Then Bintang say to Grandpa and tell him about incident in kitchen).
Bintang         : “Grandpa. I saw Wulan, she took that wallet, she went and threatened me.”
Kubay           : “What? So Wulan take Miss Novi’s wallet, the beautiful girl.”
Sisi               : “Stop. We find her, now?”
All                : “Oke. Let’s go…”

Ext     : The road
Actor (Wulan, Loka and all with Mr. Bakti)
Wulan run fear, because she took Miss Novi’s wallet. She meet with Loka and friend.
Wulan          : “Aaah… “What should I do?”
Loka             : “Heh you… What is that in the back your hand? Check it, Cemong.”
Cemong        : “Wallet, boss.”
Wulan          : “No… No… Please don’t do it.”
Loka             : “Don’t say anything.”
(Then, Mr. Bakti and all come and see that incident).
Mr. Bakti       : “STOPP… Apart her.”
Loka             : “Keep silent the old grandpa. Smelt land. Don’t follow blindly! It’s time for me to revenge.”
(Cemong kill Mr. Bakti with her knife. Mr. Bakti fell down smeared with blood).
Kubay           : “This is all because of you, Wulan. If you didn’t take that wallet, it would         not  like this.”
Bintang         : “Ih.. You don’t know the profit !!! (push Wulan)                    
Sisi               : “I don’t believe tha you will do like this.”
Lala              : “Your face is cute, but your heart like devil.”
Wulan          : “a… a… a…”
Kubay           : “Stop it, don’t say anything. I hate you.”
Sisi               : “We bring grandpa to the hospital, now.”
All                : “Oke…”
(With sad face, Wulan pray)
Wulan          : “Ya Allah, I’m sorry… I did it just for my sisters.  I’m sorry.”

Ext     : Hospital
Actor (Miss Novi, Wulan, and all)
Bintang         : “I’m worried.”
Kubay           : “I’m worried too. Just Grandpa who know us.”
Sisi               ; “Grandpa is my hero. Now he is sick.”
(Then Wulan come)
Lala              : “What are you doing? Do you want to make problem again.”
Kubay           : “Do you make grandpa pass away?”
Sisi               : “You must go, now.”
Wulan          : “I… I… I just wanna say I’m sorry.”
Sisi               : “It will not change condition.”
(Miss Novi go out from UGD room, Kubay approach Miss Novi)
Kubay           : “Miss, What’s wrong?”
Miss Novi     : “Grandpa want to meet Wulan.”
Bintang         : “What? Wulan?”
(Wulan sign in to UGD room)
Wulan          : “Grandpa, I’m sorry. I’m naughty girl. I’m sorry. I made you like this, and thanks for giving me.”
Granpa         : “Stop… Stop… No problem. No one is perfect.”
(The children sign in to the room, they see granpa is more serious)
Bintang         : “Grandpa… Why?”
Mr. Bakti       : “Don’t cry… You must preserve the independence of our country. Children of Indonesia must go forward !!!”
Sisi               : “We are sure to go forward for grandpa !!! We will preserve the independence of our country.”
Kubay           : “We don’t have other people, only grandpa.”
Lala              : “Only grandpa.”
Mr. Bakti       : “You are my son… You are my daughter… All, you are my star… Message from me, don’t accuse Wulan.”
Wulan          : “Thank you so much, granpa. You’re my hero.”
(Grandpa pass away)
All                : “Grandpaaaa…”

This is children of Indonesia. The children are smart, cute, active, creative, and responsibility. They just need attention, love and affection from us.
Now, they are alone. No one give them attention, good moral, and love again. He went to a good place, forever.
Where is the good place for their live in this country…? Who will give them destination, attention, and love…? This is children of Indonesia, same with us. But, they feel strange in this country, Mother Land Indonesia.

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